During our multicultural exchange, we visited the Matt McKay Automotive Training Center. Pictured above with Red Stick board chair Evelyn Ware are visitors from northern France, LSU and the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL) .
The French musicians taught The Coloring Book Club an authentic French dance.
Our French visitors studied the equipment while Mentorship Academy's Coloring Book Club enjoyed the big rig.
Participation in the mayor's Edufest we were allowed the opportunity to test market draft pages of the Bilingual Coloring Book.
Kids chose their favorite pages,The boys chose the State Capital and Old Mississippi River Bridge located in the Starry Night Over Red Stick Mural while the girls preferred Monet's paintings located on the wall on Harry Drive.
We recently dropped in at Winbourne Elementary to participate in the summer camp where students researched artists in preparation for the upcoming coloring book, story book and animated series. They also created their own works of art based on the artists they researched.
Older student mentors helped the younger ones with their research.
They really enjoyed their work and showed off their young skills using what they learned about Monet and Van Gogh.